
Did you know that a single liter of heating oil can contaminate a million liters of drinking water?

For this reason, and also because insurance companies are increasingly reluctant to compensate victims of such an incident, you probably don't want to find yourself faced with a leak from your heating oil tank. 

So, if you want to prevent a fuel oil spill, follow these 4 tips from our industrial and commercial waste management experts


Check for the smell of oil after filling your tank

Every time you fill your heating oil tank, pay attention to any oil or hydrocarbon odours that may be noticeable near the tank.

This is a good habit to adopt, as oil spills often occur when the tank is being filled. If there is a leakage problem, there could be seepage and even soil contamination near the tank if it is located outside your building.


Don't leave your oil tank empty during the summer

You're probably wondering why you should store a large amount of heating oil in the middle of summer. 

The answer to this question lies in the fact that when part of the tank is empty during the hot season, condensation can form inside the tank. Over time, this vapour could cause rust and make the tank lose its airtightness.


Have your tank and furnace inspected annually

We recommend having your oil tank, and even your entire heating system, inspected and maintained at least once a year to detect any abnormalities. This will help you prevent problems before they occur.

This precaution will also improve the operation of your heating system, since this type of maintenance usually includes replacing filters and cleaning the pipes.


Follow the new legislation and replace your old oil tank

To avoid accidental spills and the subsequent damage to the environment, we recommend replacing your oil-fired heating system with a cheaper, more eco-friendly alternative. Keep in mind the future of oil heating systems is limited.

Replacing your old tank

As of December 31, 2023, and in accordance with the "2030 Plan for a Green Economy", no major repairs are permitted on oil-fired appliances over 20 years old. It is also forbidden to replace existing appliances with others that use fossil fuels, and to install oil-fired heating systems in new buildings.

A residential oil tank only has a lifespan of 10 to 15 years if it's outside the building, and 25 years if it's inside. If you want to be safe from oil spills and your heating oil tank is over 20 years old, it’s time to change it!

To find out how old your tank is, refer to the manufacturing date indicated on the surface of the tank. If you can't find a date, it's probably a sign that your tank is over 25 years old, and you should replace it as soon as possible.

Regulation respecting oil-fired heating appliances in Quebec

The "Règlement sur les appareils de chauffage au mazout" is an environmental measure introduced to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and thus limit the use of residential heating oil as a contributor to global warming.

These regulations encourage the transition to electricity and other renewable energy sources, while reducing the risks associated with hydrocarbon leaks that commonly result from outdated heating systems and water heaters.

As part of this regulation, the Quebec government has set up the "Chauffez vert" program. This program aims to facilitate switching to eco-friendly fuel by offering financial assistance to building owners who replace their oil-fired central heating systems and water heaters with renewable alternatives.

Financial assistance under the "Chauffez vert" program

If you meet all conditions, there are subsidies available from the Quebec government's "Chauffez vert" program to make it easier to change out your oil-fired central heating or water heater. Here are the amounts for 2024:

Type of housing

Financial assistance for the replacement of oil-fired central heating systems (CAD)

Financial assistance for the replacement of oil-fired water heaters (CAD)

Detached home

$1 275


Semi-detached or townhouse



Mobile home

$1 075


Duplex or triplex

$875 per unit

$250 per unit

Multi-unit residential building

$550 per unit

$250 per unit


For healing oil spills, contact Enviro Urgence

If you want to avoid a residential heating oil spill at all costs, you'll need to follow the advice in this article. Remember to inspect your heating oil tank regularly. That way, you'll be able to detect leaks before they have a chance to cause an environmental disaster.

In the event of a spill, know that at Enviro Urgence we offer a residential environmental response service for all types of situations.  We can also remove your old heating oil tank and dispose of it correctly and responsibly. Contact us to learn more about our services!