
Soil is a complex mixture of minerals, organic matter, water and various life forms. It was originally free of contaminants, but over the last few centuries, humans have either intentionally or accidentally released toxic substances into the soil at some locations.

Soil analysis is used to determine whether a site has been contaminated by pollutants or hazardous materials.

In this article, our contaminated soil remediation experts present reasons for conducting a soil analysis and the phases of assessment carried out on-site and in the laboratory.


Who needs a soil test?

The main reason for carrying out a soil test is usually to confirm or rule out the presence of pollutants. Soil testing helps to guarantee the safety, quality and viability of a piece of land, and is a practical tool for businesses, municipalities and private property owners.


Companies often need to carry out soil tests to check for the presence of contaminants before undertaking construction or renovation projects, especially if the property concerned is located in an industrial zone. The presence of pollutants can potentially affect the safety and viability of various types of activities. 


Municipalities are responsible for maintaining large tracts of public land, including lawns, parks and playgrounds. They must regularly test the soil to keep residents safe and keep green spaces up to public standard.

This includes soil management and the identification of any contamination that could pose a risk to public health. Healthy soils are key to providing safe, welcoming recreational spaces for a community.


Individuals may wish to get a soil analysis performed following events such as fires, vandalism, oil leaks from heating oil tanks or other types of accidents. Other factors can also contribute to the presence of contaminants in residential areas, so when buying or selling property, it's a good idea to do a soil analysis just in case.

Reasons for conducting a soil analysis

There are several reasons why it may be necessary to carry out an in-depth soil analysis and determine whether it is contaminated.

To find out whether a plot of land is partly or fully contaminated by pollutants

In Quebec, where soil and environmental protection laws used to be very flexible, it's not uncommon to find contaminants on various types of properties throughout the province. Among these, heavy metals, coal, fuel oil (heating oil), other hydrocarbons and industrial fillers are the most frequently detected during a soil analysis. 

Note that Quebec’s Ministère de l’environnement et de la lutte contre les changements climatiques has put together a list of contaminated sites (in French only). The list may contain important information about the soil quality of a site you’re interested in, but it does not detract from the usefulness of a soil analysis.

To meet the requirements of mortgage lenders

If you are planning to build a house or commercial building, conduct a real estate transaction, or refinance property, you will need to make sure that the soil is safe. This is not just a precaution—it may in fact be a legal obligation.

Most mortgage lenders will ask for proof that the land is not contaminated before approving a loan. Therefore, you will need to have a phase 1 assessment done in order to identify any risks caused by the presence of contaminants. (the phases will be covered in more depth later in this text).

To avoid trouble related to buying or selling a property with contaminated soil

Buying or selling a building without considering the condition of the land can become a nightmare if contaminants are found in the soil following the real estate transaction. This type of situation can result in a legal dispute between buyer and seller.

The buyer could file a lawsuit claiming that there was a hidden defect, which the seller would probably refute in order to avoid having to pay to decontaminate the land.


How does a soil analysis work?

Now that you have a better understanding of why soil analyses are so important, you may be wondering how they are performed. 

Generally speaking, there are four phases to a soil analysis. Each phase offers a progressively higher level of precision regarding soil composition and contaminants.

Going through all four phases is not always necessary.

Phase 1

Phase 1, also known as a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, involves visiting the site and gathering information to determine whether there is any risk of finding contaminants in the soil. 

Useful sources of information for a phase 1 assessment can include pictures, geological and hydrological maps, studies, reports, interviews, and more.

The cost of a phase 1 soil analysis depends on the size of the site, whether or not there are buildings, and other geological and environmental factors.

Phase 2

Phase 2 of a soil analysis is also called preliminary environmental characterization and is needed when phase 1 reveals risks of soil contamination. The cost of this second phase will vary according to the type of soil on site, the nature of the contaminated property and environmental parameters.

Phase 2 involves collecting samples of the soil and groundwater via boreholes or exploration wells. Then, the samples undergo chemical analysis. This phase conclusively determines the presence or absence of contaminants and specifies their type and concentration.

But be careful! To avoid distorting the results of this phase, a sample should never be taken immediately after applying fertilizer, manure or lime. We recommend waiting at least 2 to 3 weeks after application. You should also wait around 2 weeks after the last traces of snow have disappeared before taking soil samples. It's also important to note that taking just a single sample for your entire plot could lead to misleading results.

Phase 3

Phase 3 of a soil analysis involves additional surveys to determine the extent of the contamination, the volume of contaminated soil and the concentration of contaminants. It also includes planning decontamination measures.
Number of soil samples or specimens to be analyzed, type of soil and parameters analyzed are factors that will affect the cost of phase 3.

Phase 4

Phase 4 is the environmental rehabilitation of the contaminated site. It is necessary when the concentration of contaminants detected at a given site exceeds the criteria established by the Ministère de l’environnement et de la lutte contre les changements climatiques

This can be accomplished by excavating and disposing of contaminated soil and water at authorized sites or, in some cases, carrying out in-situ remediation. 

The cost of the fourth and final phase varies depending on the extent and nature of the contamination, the treatment method chosen and how far away the disposal site is.


EBI Enviro Urgence specializes in contaminated soil remediation

There are many reasons to conduct a soil analysis. If it proves that there is no contamination, then you will be able to rest easy. However, if a site contains a large or small quantity of hazardous materials, steps will need to be taken to decontaminate the land.

If that’s the case, EBI Enviro Urgence can help. We offer customized soil decontamination services that meet the requirements of the relevant authorities. Our services include extraction, transportation and disposal of contaminated soil.  

Contact us to find out more or request a quote!